Steps to reproduce
- create a 2dsphere index with an additional descending
field (ascending doesn't trigger the bug)
- insert a document that doesn't have the additional field set
- run a geo query $geoWithin with $centerSphere and include the additional secondary field
=> The database will hang indefinitely and a kill -9 is necessary. db.currentOp() shows the query running but db.killOp() has no effect.
db.mycoll.drop() db.mycoll.ensureIndex({"coordinates": "2dsphere", "field": -1}) db.mycoll.insert({"coordinates" : [ -118.240013, 34.073893 ]}) var query = {"coordinates" : {"$geoWithin" : {"$centerSphere" : [[-118.240013, 34.073893], 0.44915760491198753] } }, "field": 1} db.mycoll.find(query)
- is duplicated by
SERVER-9872 Server deadlock caused by infinite $near & $geoWithin queries on 2dsphere index
- Closed