Resolution: Unresolved
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Query Optimization
Certain queries, such as
:sortFull {aggregate: "fuzzer_coll", pipeline: [ { "$match" : { "$or" : [ { "$and" : [ { "$or" : [ { "$nor" : [ { "obj.obj.obj.obj.bool" : { "$lt" : false } } ] }, { "obj.num" : { "$bitsAllSet" : NumberLong(111) } } ] }, { "obj.obj.obj.obj.obj.any" : { "$not" : { "$type" : 1 } } }, { "$or" : [ { "$and" : [ { "obj.obj.obj.obj.obj.str" : { "$ne" : "panel Pass Response" } } ] } ] } ] }, { "$or" : [ { "obj.obj.obj.str" : { "$regex" : "Saudi Riyal|Cotton|driver", "$options" : "" } }, { "obj.obj.date" : { "$ne" : ISODate("2019-08-09T17:45:23.276Z") } }, { "$or" : [ { "obj.obj.obj.obj.obj.bool" : { "$lte" : false } } ] } ] }, { "any" : { "$not" : { "$in" : [ [ NumberLong(77430), NumberInt(81221), true ], true, { "date" : ISODate("2019-03-10T08:53:34.360Z"), "str" : "index Representative" }, true, NumberLong("9223372036854775807") ] } } }, { "obj.obj.obj.obj.obj.bool" : { "$lt" : true } } ] } }, { "$sort" : { "_id" : 1 } }, { "$limit" : 10 }, { "$lookup" : { "from" : "fuzzer_coll_lookup", "let" : { "estelle" : { "$min" : [ [ "sky blue", "hub Swedish Krona SAS", "Table", { "$replaceAll" : { "input" : "$obj.obj.obj.obj.str", "find" : "Mount Minnesota bifurcated", "replacement" : "override" } } ], [ "$obj.str", { "$rtrim" : { "input" : "Synergistic strategize synthesize" } } ], "$obj.obj.obj.obj.array", "$obj.obj.obj.obj.obj.array" ] }, "naomi" : { "$floor" : "$obj.obj.obj.obj.obj.num" }, "georgiana" : { "$mergeObjects" : [ { "$dateToParts" : { "date" : ISODate("2019-07-24T18:50:45.980Z"), "timezone" : "America/Fort_Nelson" } } ] } }, "pipeline" : [ { "$sort" : { "_id" : 1 } }, { "$bucketAuto" : { "groupBy" : { "$toLower" : { "$min" : [ "index", "$$estelle", "$$naomi", "circuit parsing" ] } }, "buckets" : 11, "output" : { "array" : { "$accumulator" : { "init" : "function() { return []; }", "accumulate" : "function(state, input) { state.push(input); return state.sort(); }", "accumulateArgs" : [ { "$sortArray" : { "input" : "$array", "sortBy" : { "obj.obj.obj.obj.str" : -1, "obj.obj.obj.geoLegacy" : 1, "obj.geoLegacy" : -1, "obj.obj.geoLegacy" : -1, "obj.obj.obj.obj.geoLegacy" : 1 } } } ], "merge" : "function(state1, state2) { return state1.concat(state2).sort(); }", "lang" : "js" } }, "str" : { "$last" : "$obj.obj.obj.obj.obj.str" } } } }, { "$sort" : { "_id" : 1 } }, { "$limit" : 10 } ], "as" : "array" } } ], cursor: { }, maxTimeMS: 30000}
ran to completion against commit 53bcce271b617144372d7d2d08163b917889244a, but between then and now, changes have been introduced that cause the query to time out with the default timeout.
- split from
SERVER-99244 Triage and resolve record and diff failures during corpus generation
- Closed