Resolution: Done
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: mongorestore
Not Needed
If there is already a collection "admin.tempusers" / "admin.temproles", the mongorestore fails with suggestion of a command-line option that does not exists. i.e.
$ mongorestore --port 30017 -d test1 --restoreDbUsersAndRoles -u test1_br -p test1_br dump/test1 --drop --authenticationDatabase admin connected to: assertion: 17410 admin.tempusers collection already exists, but is needed to restore user data. Drop this collection or specify a different collection (via --tempUsersColl) to use to temporarily hold user data during the restore process $ $ $ mongorestore --port 30017 -d test1 --restoreDbUsersAndRoles -u test1_br -p test1_br dump/test1 --drop --authenticationDatabase admin --tempUsersColl "myTempUsers" Error parsing command line: unknown option tempUsersColl try 'mongorestore --help' for more information
The correct option should be:
Bad Value | Good Value |
tempUsersColl | tempUsersCollection |
tempRolesColl | tempRolesCollection |