Resolution: Works as Designed
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: mongoexport
I'm storing some Python code in Mongo and trying to export some of the documents into a json file. I'm using mongoexport, however, in the output file, TABs are replaced by \u0009, < by \u003e}}and {{> by \u003c. These characters are preserved when I execute a query from the mongo shell therefore I believe they get messed up during the export process. My question is, is there any setting in mongoexport (possibly encoding) to preserve these characters in the json file?
I'm using mongo v3.6.3 and this is the command I was trying:
mongoexport --db runs --collection staged-runs --query '{"field": "value"}' --out test.json --username "uname" --password "passwd"