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  1. MongoDB Database Tools
  2. TOOLS-2456

Connect timeout changed to server selection timeout in 4.2

    • Type: Icon: Question Question
    • Resolution: Works as Designed
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None

      What is the expected behaviour of the connectTimeoutMS option for mongo URI's against tools like mongodump?

      I notice that with 3.6 to 4.0 this option behaves in seconds on a CentOS7 box when attempting to connect to a non-existent mongodb server:


      mongo 3.6:

      [kcheung@kingsley-centos99 scripts]$ mongodump --version
      mongodump version: r3.6.14
      git version: cbef87692475857c7ee6e764c8f5104b39c342a1
      Go version: go1.11.9
      os: linux
      arch: amd64
      compiler: gc
      OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013
      [kcheung@kingsley-centos99 scripts]$ time /usr/bin/mongodump --uri mongodb://localhost:3011/meteor?connectTimeoutMS=10
      2020-01-16T18:29:26.584+1100 Failed: error connecting to db server: no reachable servers

      real 0m11.566s
      user 0m0.015s
      sys 0m0.024s


      mongo 4.0:
      [root@0bba8d73ecdf yum.repos.d]# mongodump --version
      mongodump version: r4.0.14
      git version: 1622021384533dade8b3c89ed3ecd80e1142c132
      Go version: go1.11.13
      os: linux
      arch: amd64
      compiler: gc
      OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013
      [root@0bba8d73ecdf yum.repos.d]# time /usr/bin/mongodump --uri mongodb://localhost:3011/meteor?connectTimeoutMS=5
      2020-01-16T07:12:02.300+0000 Failed: error connecting to db server: no reachable servers

      real 0m5.548s
      user 0m0.009s
      sys 0m0.020s


      However, from mongo 4.2 onwards the timeout is now hard-coded to 30 seconds:

      [root@0bba8d73ecdf yum.repos.d]# mongodump --version
      mongodump version: r4.2.2
      git version: a0bbbff6ada159e19298d37946ac8dc4b497eadf
      Go version: go1.12.13
      os: linux
      arch: amd64
      compiler: gc
      [root@0bba8d73ecdf yum.repos.d]# time /usr/bin/mongodump --uri mongodb://localhost:3011/meteor?connectTimeoutMS=5
      2020-01-16T07:17:32.618+0000 Failed: can't create session: could not connect to server: server selection error: server selection timeout
      current topology: Type: Single
      Addr: localhost:3011, Type: Unknown, State: Connected, Average RTT: 0, Last error: connection(localhost:3011[-121]) connection is closed

      real 0m30.007s
      user 0m0.156s
      sys 0m0.509s
      [root@0bba8d73ecdf yum.repos.d]# time /usr/bin/mongodump --uri mongodb://localhost:3011/meteor?connectTimeoutMS=40000
      2020-01-16T07:18:07.604+0000 Failed: can't create session: could not connect to server: server selection error: server selection timeout
      current topology: Type: Single
      Addr: localhost:3011, Type: Unknown, State: Connected, Average RTT: 0, Last error: connection(localhost:3011[-121]) connection is closed

      real 0m30.010s
      user 0m0.217s
      sys 0m0.413s

            Unassigned Unassigned
            kingsley.cheung@audinate.com Kingsley Cheung
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