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  1. MongoDB Database Tools
  2. TOOLS-2458

mongorestore failed with archiver error ( multiple err)

    • Type: Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Gone away
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: mongodump, mongorestore

      Hello Team


      We have 3 nodes of replicaSet.

      Regularly  mondodump & restore failed with below error. please suggest the exact action required to fix it.


      we used Mongodump & restore pipe command

      mongodump --host source_host --archive --db ABC --port 27017 --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --sslCAFile /etc/ssl/ABC.pem -u backupdba -p ***** -vvvvv | mongorestore --host target_host --archive --port 27017 --authenticationDatabase admin -u backupdba -p **** --ssl --sslCAFile /etc/ssl/ABC.pem


      Error details


      ****************20th Jan 2020 23:37***************************
      2020-01-20T23:37:24.109-0500 demux finishing when there are still outs (2)
      2020-01-20T23:37:24.109-0500 demux finishing (err:corruption found in archive; ParserConsumer.BodyBSON() ( EOF ))
      2020-01-20T23:37:24.109-0500 ending restore routine with id=0, no more work to do
      2020-01-20T23:37:24.109-0500 ending restore routine with id=3, no more work to do
      2020-01-20T23:37:24.172-0500 IPSSVC.FG_FILE_ARCHIVAL_ENTITY 25.9GB
      2020-01-20T23:37:24.172-0500 Failed: IPSSVC.FG_FILE_ARCHIVAL_ENTITY: error restoring from archive on stdin: reading bson input: error demultiplexing archive; archive io error

      *******************20th Jan 2020 6:13 **************************
      2020-01-20T06:13:30.837-0500 ending restore routine with id=1, no more work to do
      2020-01-20T06:13:30.841-0500 IPSSVC.SEED_FILE 47.8MB
      2020-01-20T06:13:30.841-0500 restoring indexes for collection IPSSVC.SEED_FILE from metadata
      2020-01-20T06:13:31.103-0500 IPSSVC.CHUNK_STATISTICS 33.9GB
      2020-01-20T06:13:31.103-0500 Failed: IPSSVC.CHUNK_STATISTICS: error restoring from archive on stdin: reading bson input: error demultiplexing archive; archive io error

      **********************18th Jan 2020 ***********************
      2020-01-18T18:11:50.661-0500 demux namespaceHeader: {IPSSVC CHUNK_STATISTICS false 0}
      2020-01-18T18:11:50.710-0500 IPSSVC.BEFORE_ADJUST_ENROLLMENT_RESULT 941MB
      2020-01-18T18:11:50.710-0500 no indexes to restore
      2020-01-18T18:11:50.710-0500 finished restoring IPSSVC.BEFORE_ADJUST_ENROLLMENT_RESULT (551683 documents)
      2020-01-18T18:11:50.915-0500 demux End
      2020-01-18T18:11:50.924-0500 demux finishing when there are still outs (2)
      2020-01-18T18:11:50.924-0500 demux finishing (err:corruption found in archive; ParserConsumer.BodyBSON() ( EOF ))
      2020-01-18T18:11:50.924-0500 ending restore routine with id=2, no more work to do
      2020-01-18T18:11:50.924-0500 ending restore routine with id=3, no more work to do
      2020-01-18T18:11:51.186-0500 IPSSVC.CHUNK_STATISTICS 40.6GB
      2020-01-18T18:11:51.186-0500 Failed: IPSSVC.CHUNK_STATISTICS: error restoring from archive on stdin: reading bson input: error demultiplexing archive; archive io error




            Unassigned Unassigned
            venkatesh.thevar@in.tiaa.org Venkatesh thevar
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