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  1. MongoDB Database Tools
  2. TOOLS-2809

Extra bsondump log message for sslPEMKeyPassword or password

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Priority: Icon: Trivial - P5 Trivial - P5
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 100.3.0
    • Component/s: None
    • None
    • Not Needed

      Problem Description

      With the 100.3.0 addition of --config, the following new log message was added:

      WARNING: On some systems, a password provided directly using <X OPTION> may be visible to system status programs such as `ps` that may be invoked by other users. Consider using the --config option to specify a configuration file with the password.

      However, this is unnecessary, and possibly misleading, in the following two cases for bsondump, which cannot use any of the three options supported with --config:

      /tmp/dump/test $ bsondump --password 12345
      2021-02-11T14:20:57.640-0500	WARNING: On some systems, a password provided directly using --password may be visible to system status programs such as `ps` that may be invoked by other users. Consider omitting the password to provide it via stdin, or using the --config option to specify a configuration file with the password.
      2021-02-11T14:20:57.640-0500	error parsing command line options: unknown option "password"
      2021-02-11T14:20:57.640-0500	try 'bsondump --help' for more information
      /tmp/dump/test $ bsondump --sslPEMKeyPassword 12345
      2021-02-11T14:21:28.733-0500	WARNING: On some systems, a password provided directly using --sslPEMKeyPassword may be visible to system status programs such as `ps` that may be invoked by other users. Consider using the --config option to specify a configuration file with the password.
      2021-02-11T14:21:28.733-0500	error parsing command line options: unknown option "sslPEMKeyPassword"
      2021-02-11T14:21:28.733-0500	try 'bsondump --help' for more information

      Note that this extra log message does not appear with -uri , the third of the three supported options for use with -config :

      /tmp/dump/test $ bsondump --uri test
      2021-02-11T14:21:05.216-0500	error parsing command line options: unknown option "uri"
      2021-02-11T14:21:05.217-0500	try 'bsondump --help' for more information

      It is difficult to consider a ticket less significant in scope and impact, so feel free to disregard if not worth our time. Otherwise, hope this helps!

      Steps to Reproduce

      Run the following two command invocations of bsondump:

      bsondump --password 12345
      bsondump --sslPEMKeyPassword 12345

      Expected Results

      Actual Results

      Additional Notes

            Unassigned Unassigned
            andrew.feierabend@mongodb.com Andrew Feierabend (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
