Resolution: Done
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: 2.8.0-rc2
Component/s: mongorestore
Environment:OS X 10.10.1, Macbook Pro Retina 13
steps to reproduce: start mongod, create custom role, create user with custom role, dump everything, start new mongod with clean dbpath, restore everything.
this happens with both 2.6 and 2.8 mongodump
In the restored version, there is no system.roles collection. (but there is a system.roles.bson in the dump).
var baseName = "test"; var dumpdir = MongoRunner.dataDir + "/" + baseName + "/"; var t = new ToolTest(baseName + "_dirty", {auth: "", binVersion: "2.8", vvv:""}); var coll = t.startDB("dummy"); var adminDB = coll.getDB().getSiblingDB("admin"); var testDB = coll.getDB().getSiblingDB("test"); adminDB.createUser({ user: "admin", pwd: "admin", roles: jsTest.adminUserRoles }); adminDB.auth({ user: "admin", pwd: "admin" }); testDB.runCommand({ createRole: "custom", privileges: [], roles: [] }); testDB.createUser({ user: "user1", pwd: "user1", roles: ["custom"] }); t.runTool( "dump", "--username", "admin", "--password", "admin", "--out", dumpdir ); t.stop(); // t = new ToolTest(baseName, {binVersion: "2.8", auth:""}); //TOOLS-440 t = new ToolTest(baseName + "_clean", {binVersion: "2.8", vvv:""}); coll = t.startDB("dummy") adminDB = coll.getDB().getSiblingDB("admin"); testDB = coll.getDB().getSiblingDB("test"); t.runTool("restore", "--dir", dumpdir);