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  1. WiredTiger
  2. WT-13365

Code Change Report fails in post-merge tests (but still works in patch builds)

    • 1
    • 2024-08-06 - Withholding Tax

      The Code Change Report requires slightly different behaviour for patch/PR tests compared to non-patch, post-merge tests.

      This means that the code is dependent on the value of the is_patch Evergreen expansion with the result that it is easy to test that the behaviour in a patch build is correct, but harder to test the post-merge case.

      In a patch build, is_patch is set to true, but in a post-merge test it is empty, rather than being set to false. Being empty, this meant that the first parameter to coverage-report.sh was missing rather than set to false, which caused coverage-report.sh to incorrectly process its arguments causing a failure.

      The fix is to use a default value of false, if is_patch is empty. 


      code-change-report on code-statistics

      Host: i-0b81b566124eb5d0b
      Project: wiredtiger
      Commit: ca681107

      Task Logs:

            jasmine.bi@mongodb.com Jasmine Bi
            Xgen-BuildBaron-User xgen-buildbaron-user
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            4 Start watching this issue
