The million collection test on Evergreen ran for over 2 hours and timed out in a single run. The host the test ran on is rhel62-large, and it started to fail recently since wiredtiger commit build 1be63
[2019/05/25 17:41:25.944] Set command timeout for '' () to 2h0m0s [2019/05/25 17:41:25.944] Preparing script... [2019/05/25 17:41:25.944] Executing script with sh: set -o errexit set -o verbose ulimit -n 1000000 ulimit -c unlimited largescale/ . [2019/05/25 17:41:25.944] started process with pid '126552' [2019/05/25 20:17:29.397] Hit idle timeout (no message on stdout for more than 2h0m0s) [2019/05/25 20:17:29.397] Finished running task commands in 2h36m3.894044549s. [2019/05/25 20:17:29.397] Task failed: Agent stopped early: context canceled [2019/05/25 20:17:29.411] command encountered problem: operation canceled