After the recent merged WT-6181, some noises started to show up in the post-task command section of the Evergreen task logs. These noises did not affect the task result (e.g. pass, failed).
For tasks not generating WT_TEST directory:
[2020/09/23 16:09:14.499] Running command 'shell.exec' in "dump stderr/stdout" (step 2 of 3) [2020/09/23 16:09:14.502] # Dump stderr/stdout contents generated by the C libraries onto console for Python tests [2020/09/23 16:09:14.502] find "WT_TEST" -name "std*.txt" ! -empty -printf "\nContents from '%p':\n\n" -exec cat {} \; [2020/09/23 16:09:14.512] find: 'WT_TEST': No such file or directory [2020/09/23 16:09:14.512] Command failed: command encountered problem: error waiting on process '99c9e78d-9b66-4dce-a93e-c1952770b174': exit status 1
For tasks running on macOS:
[2020/09/23 10:47:46.141] Running command 'shell.exec' in "dump stderr/stdout" (step 2 of 3) [2020/09/23 10:47:46.147] # Dump stderr/stdout contents generated by the C libraries onto console for Python tests [2020/09/23 10:47:46.147] find "WT_TEST" -name "std*.txt" ! -empty -printf "\nContents from '%p':\n\n" -exec cat {} \; [2020/09/23 10:47:46.150] find: -printf: unknown primary or operator [2020/09/23 10:47:46.150] Command failed: command encountered problem: error waiting on process '1f118ac5-5820-4be6-b451-8cf0d97c5a31': exit status 1
Use this ticket to address the above 2 types of noises.
- is caused by
WT-6181 Have Python Evergreen tests print standard output on failure
- Closed