Hit during a WT patch build.
[2021/05/25 01:44:34.513] The run completed with statistics below: [2021/05/25 01:44:34.513] - avg response time (latency): 52.992817044 (ms/op), avg throughput: 5515 (ops/sec) [2021/05/25 01:44:34.513] - total run time: 1871.09567904, configured total_runtime: 86400 [2021/05/25 01:44:34.513] - num of collections: 4000, configured num_collections: 19071 [2021/05/25 01:44:34.513] - threads: 64, configured num_threads: 64 [2021/05/25 01:44:34.513] Average response time is over 50 ms/op - test failed!
- duplicates
WT-7571 Failed: million-collection-test regression in throughput
- Closed