Build Failure
Resolution: Fixed
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: None
Storage - Ra 2021-12-13, Storage - Ra 2022-01-10
spinlock-pthread-adaptive-test failed on ! Ubuntu 20.04
Host: ec2-54-164-214-8.compute-1.amazonaws.com
Project: WiredTiger (develop)
Commit: diff: WT-8419 Disable test_inmem01.test_insert_over_delete_replace for FLCS (#7208)
Disable test_inmem01.test_insert_over_delete_replace for FLCS. | 17 Nov 21 21:46 UTC
Evergreen Subscription: ; Evergreen Event:
Task Logs (spinlock-pthread-adaptive-test)
This is caused by a lack of disk space on the host machines, as csuite tests don't clean up their artifacts on test completion.
When make check is run all csuite tests are run back to back on the same host and leaves behind 46GB of data on completion. As ubuntu2004-small hosts only have 50GB of space we're left with 4GB to run the subsequent test format and python tests.
To resolve this we need to clean up artifacts on csuite test completion. For debug purposes they should only be cleaned when the test succeeds, and be kept on test failure.
- duplicates
WT-8579 test/format error with "No space left on device"
- Closed