Release Notes - Java Driver - Version 3.0.3 - HTML format


  • [JAVA-1804] - Character is no longer an accepted value of a field
  • [JAVA-1846] - OperationIterable.forEach/first should close the MongoCursor in a finally block
  • [JAVA-1854] - Driver tries to kill a cursor twice when limit is reached on the first batch
  • [JAVA-1855] - DBCursor.getCursorId can throw NPE if the server did not need to create a cursor
  • [JAVA-1867] - MongoDatabase.runCommand should never fail server selection with a direct connection
  • [JAVA-1873] - ConnectionPoolStatisticsMBean reports incorrect wait queue size if some thread was not able to enter the queue
  • [JAVA-1882] - Driver can exhaust query pool if limit is reached on the first batch of a query
  • [JAVA-1885] - Bulk write can error when upserting across batches
  • [JAVA-1886] - MongoClient.islocked() method fails


  • [JAVA-1860] - Analytics breaks links to API documentation

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