- [MONGOSH-847] - Make db/coll auto-complete case insensitive
- [MONGOSH-967] - Cannot resize oplog via mongosh
- [MONGOSH-1004] - MongoshInternalError: [COMMON-90001] Error [ERR_INTERNAL_ASSERTION]: RangeError: Invalid time value at Date.toISOString (<anonymous>)
- [MONGOSH-682] - Support for edit command and $EDITOR
- [MONGOSH-920] - Hide obscure/deprecated javascript object properties in autosuggest
- [MONGOSH-1001] - Support withTransaction in session API
- [MONGOSH-1007] - Bump Node.js to 14.18.0
- [MONGOSH-1008] - Automatically regenerate evergreen config on main
- [MONGOSH-1016] - Update mongodb, bson and kerberos packages
- [MONGOSH-992] - Provide e2e tests for editor functionality
- [MONGOSH-993] - Move makeMultilineJSIntoSingleLine to its own package
- [MONGOSH-996] - Handle editor specifies as name with multiple parts
- [MONGOSH-1011] - e2e test for vscode as external editor
- [MONGOSH-1014] - Bring the unit test coverage for the editor package up
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