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  1. Compass
  2. COMPASS-2546

When schema analysis agg pipeline times out, Compass UI remains frozen.

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 1.11.2
    • Component/s: Compass
    • None

      Anyone can connect to the M001 student cluster.

      Hostname: cluster0-shard-00-00-jxeqq.mongodb.net
      Username: m001-student
      Password: m001-mongodb-basics
      Replica Set Name: Cluster0-shard-0
      Read Preference: Primary Preferred

      The citibike.trips collection contains about 2 million documents with average size 440 bytes.

      The following queries against the start and end station location fields caused the Compass schema analysis to hang the user interface.

      {'start station location': {$geoWithin: { $centerSphere: [ [ -73.98475067347545, 40.73712494487114 ], 0.0013784387806381328 ]}}}
      {'end station location': {$geoWithin: { $centerSphere: [ [ -73.98475067347545, 40.73712494487114 ], 0.0013784387806381328 ]}}}

      The following query causes the schema analysis to take longer than 10 seconds and then freeze about in about two thirds of my tests.

      {tripduration: {$gte: 60, $lt: 50010}}

      Neither the DevTools nor "DEBUG=*" command line outputs showed any subsequent output when the agg pipeline times out.

      I captured the following from the Atlas real time tab.

        "waitingForLock" : false,
        "desc" : "conn9493",
        "threadId" : "140398637815552",
        "client" : "",
        "ns" : "citibike.trips",
        "clientMetadata" : {
          "os" : {
            "type" : "Darwin",
            "name" : "darwin",
            "architecture" : "x64",
            "version" : "15.6.0"
          "platform" : "Node.js v7.4.0, LE, mongodb-core: 2.1.17",
          "driver" : {
            "name" : "nodejs",
            "version" : "2.2.33"
        "opid" : 2140841,
        "op" : "command",
        "lockStats" : {
          "Global" : {
            "acquireCount" : {
              "r" : 25076
          "Database" : {
            "acquireCount" : {
              "r" : 12538
          "Collection" : {
            "acquireCount" : {
              "r" : 12537
        "planSummary" : "IXSCAN { tripduration: 1 }",
        "active" : true,
        "secs_running" : 8,
        "microsecs_running" : 8988974,
        "query" : {
          "aggregate" : "trips",
          "pipeline" : [{
              "$match" : {
                "tripduration" : {
                  "$gte" : 60,
                  "$lt" : 50010
            }, {
              "$sample" : {
                "size" : 1000
          "allowDiskUse" : true,
          "maxTimeMS" : 10000,
          "cursor" : {
            "batchSize" : 1000
        "connectionId" : 9493,
        "numYields" : 11918,
        "locks" : {
          "Global" : "r",
          "Database" : "r",
          "Collection" : "r"

        1. end_station_location_geo_query_schema_analysis.png
          278 kB
          Brian Blevins
        2. image-2018-02-15-14-53-23-559.png
          297 kB
          Brian Blevins

            anna.herlihy@mongodb.com Anna Herlihy (Inactive)
            brian.blevins@mongodb.com Brian Blevins
            1 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
