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  1. Compass
  2. COMPASS-5750

Mark non-existent databases and collections in the UI

    • 3
    • Iteration Planetarium, Iteration Quasar, Iteration Regolith, Iteration U (Jan 27 - Feb 10)
    • Not Needed

      If user has a role that allows them to make operations on non-existent databases or the collection, Compass would display it in the UI, but will not indicate that this collection doesn't really exist / not yet populated. Seeing these databases and collections in the UI is a feature for some users, but creates confusion for others, for that reason we might consider marking these collections somehow in the UI to indicate that they only exist in their roles

      In cases where user has roles and privileges for specific databases / collection, but db / coll doesn't exist yet, it will exist in privileges list, but will not be returned by listDatabases / listCollections commands

      Here are the finalized designs: https://www.figma.com/design/vAD5QRb6XYfCFacMQJ2DiZ/EXPO-2469%3A-Marking-non-existent-databases-%26--collections-in-the-UI?node-id=1-35&p=f&t=PLmeSmSFbOtb1NIu-0 

            basit.chonka@mongodb.com Basit Chonka
            sergey.petushkov@mongodb.com Sergey Petushkov
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
