The test named `States_with_pops_over_20000_queryable_syntax` fails when run using LINQ3.
The query is:
var queryable = from z in collection.AsQueryable() group z by z.State into g where g.Sum(x => x.Population) > 20000 select new { State = g.Key, TotalPopulation = g.Sum(x => x.Population) };
The translation produced by LINQ3 is:
Tests10151703.testcollection.Aggregate([ { "$group" : { "_id" : "$state", "__agg0" : { "$sum" : "$pop" } } }, { "$match" : { "$expr" : { "$gt" : [{ "$sum" : "$_elements.pop" }, 20000] } } }, { "$project" : { "State" : "$_id", "TotalPopulation" : "$__agg0", "_id" : 0 } } ])
but it should be:
Tests10151703.testcollection.Aggregate([ { "$group" : { "_id" : "$state", "__agg0" : { "$sum" : "$pop" } } }, { "$match" : { "_agg0" : { "$gt" : 20000 } } }, { "$project" : { "State" : "$_id", "TotalPopulation" : "$__agg0", "_id" : 0 } } ])
- is depended on by
CSHARP-4244 Support object comparison at root level in LINQ3
- Closed
CSHARP-4331 Make LINQ3 the default LinqProvider
- Closed
CSHARP-4358 Update tests that only test against LINQ2 to test against LINQ3 instead of or in addition to LINQ2
- Closed