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  1. C++ Driver
  2. CXX-1129

Legacy 1.1.x driver calls abort() when query/document's size is less but close to 16Mb

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Fix
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: legacy-1.1.0, legacy-1.1.1, legacy-1.1.2
    • Component/s: Implementation
    • Environment:
      CentOS 6.8

      We are encountering sporadic crashes of the legacy 1.1.x driver. Debugging revealed that the driver's code contains subtle discrepancies in uassert() checks (normal driver exceptions) and invariant() calls that eventually lead to abort() and crash our system. These discrepancies manifest themselves for BSON objects whose size is less than the default maximum size (16777216) but more than 16777216 - 8200 = 16769016.

      Please see the following debugging session which illustrates the problem.

      Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
      0x00007ffff6f615e5 in raise () from /lib64/libc.so.6

      (gdb) bt
      #0 0x00007ffff6f615e5 in raise () from /lib64/libc.so.6
      #1 0x00007ffff6f62dc5 in abort () from /lib64/libc.so.6
      #2 0x00007ffff6868aef in mongo::invariantFailed (expr=0x7ffff6887f38 "_fits(batch.get(), *batch_iter)", file=0x7ffff6887f10 "src/mongo/client/command_writer.cpp", line=51)
      at src/mongo/util/assert_util.cpp:91
      #3 0x00007ffff67e9281 in mongo::CommandWriter::write (this=0x618a10, ns=..., write_operations=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 =

      {...}, ordered=true,
      bypassDocumentValidation=false, writeConcern=0x61a560, writeResult=0x7fffffffdd00) at src/mongo/client/command_writer.cpp:51
      #4 0x00007ffff67fac97 in mongo::DBClientBase::_write (this=0x61a4e0, ns="test1.test1", writes=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}

      , ordered=true,
      bypassDocumentValidation=false, writeConcern=0x0, writeResult=0x7fffffffdd00) at src/mongo/client/dbclient.cpp:2056
      #5 0x00007ffff67fb57c in mongo::DBClientBase::update (this=0x61a4e0, ns="test1.test1", query=..., obj=..., flags=1, wc=0x0) at src/mongo/client/dbclient.cpp:2143
      #6 0x00007ffff67fb399 in mongo::DBClientBase::update (this=0x61a4e0, ns="test1.test1", query=..., obj=..., upsert=true, multi=false, wc=0x0) at src/mongo/client/dbclient.cpp:2127

      (gdb) fr 3
      #3 0x00007ffff67e9281 in mongo::CommandWriter::write (this=0x618a10, ns=..., write_operations=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 =

      {...}, ordered=true,
      bypassDocumentValidation=false, writeConcern=0x61a560, writeResult=0x7fffffffdd00) at src/mongo/client/command_writer.cpp:51
      51 invariant(_fits(batch.get(), *batch_iter));
      (gdb) l
      46 boost::scoped_ptr<BSONArrayBuilder> batch(new BSONArrayBuilder);
      47 std::vector<WriteOperation*>::const_iterator batch_iter = batch_begin;
      49 // We must be able to fit the first item of the batch. Otherwise, the calling code
      50 // passed an over size write operation in violation of our contract.
      51 invariant(_fits(batch.get(), *batch_iter));
      53 // Set the current operation type
      54 const WriteOpType batchOpType = (*batch_iter)->operationType();

      (gdb) bre 51

      Breakpoint 1, mongo::CommandWriter::write (this=0x618a10, ns=..., write_operations=std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {...}

      , ordered=true, bypassDocumentValidation=false,
      writeConcern=0x61a560, writeResult=0x7fffffffdd00) at src/mongo/client/command_writer.cpp:51
      51 invariant(_fits(batch.get(), *batch_iter));

      (gdb) s
      mongo::CommandWriter::_fits (this=0x618a10, builder=0x61eef0, operation=0x61dfa0) at src/mongo/client/command_writer.cpp:112
      112 int opSize = operation->incrementalSize();
      (gdb) n
      113 int maxSize = _client->getMaxBsonObjectSize();
      (gdb) n
      116 uassert(0, "update command exceeds maxBsonObjectSize", opSize <= maxSize);
      (gdb) n
      118 return (builder->len() + opSize + kOverhead) <= maxSize;
      (gdb) print opSize
      $2 = 16773902
      (gdb) print maxSize
      $3 = 16777216
      (gdb) print opSize <= maxSize
      $4 = true
      (gdb) print builder->len() + opSize + kOverhead <= maxSize
      $5 = false
      (gdb) print builder->len() + kOverhead
      $6 = 8200
      (gdb) print opSize <= maxSize - builder->len() - kOverhead
      $7 = false

      Please also note that similar uassert() checks are passed even before:

      (gdb) fr 3
      #3 0x00007ffff67fb57c in mongo::DBClientBase::update (this=0x61a4e0, ns="test1.test1", query=..., obj=..., flags=1, wc=0x0) at src/mongo/client/dbclient.cpp:2143
      2143 _write(ns, updates.ops, true, bypassDocumentValidation, wc, &writeResult);
      (gdb) l -

      2133 uassert(0,
      2134 "update selector exceeds maxBsonObjectSize",
      2135 query.obj.objsize() <= getMaxBsonObjectSize());
      2136 uassert(
      2137 0, "update document exceeds maxBsonObjectSize", obj.objsize() <= getMaxBsonObjectSize());

      2138 updates.enqueue(new UpdateWriteOperation(query.obj, obj, flags));
      2140 bool bypassDocumentValidation = flags & UpdateOption_BypassDocumentValidation;
      2142 WriteResult writeResult;
      2143 _write(ns, updates.ops, true, bypassDocumentValidation, wc, &writeResult);
      2144 }

            david.golden@mongodb.com David Golden
            neoxic Arseny Vakhrushev
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
