Currently .NET and Rust drivers (maybe other drivers as well) set topology description to Unknown and emit TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent on closing (before TopologyClosedEvent).
The SDAM logs tests account for that.
The question is whether when TopologyClosedEvent if emitted, should the topology be in up to date state, which Unknown state (all servers are removed by then).
Consider adding this behaviour to SDAM specification for a better topology state management.
For events consistency across all drivers, it would be useful to clarify the desired behaviour on topology close.
If decided that TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent should not be published on topology close, SDAM logging tests need to be updated accordingly.
Who is the affected end user?
How does this affect the end user?
No known affect
How likely is it that this problem or use case will occur?
Main path
If the problem does occur, what are the consequences and how severe are they?
Events consistency among drivers.
Is this issue urgent?
Is this ticket required by a downstream team?
Is this ticket only for tests?
Yes, logging tests
Acceptance Criteria
What specific requirements must be met to consider the design phase complete?
- depends on
DRIVERS-2875 Support assertions on topologyDescriptionChangedEvent in expectEvents
- Implementing
- is depended on by
GODRIVER-2967 Sync SDAM "Topology Lifecycle" with future drivers update
- In Code Review
DRIVERS-1670 Add log messages to SDAM spec
- Implementing
- is related to
DRIVERS-1087 Specify and test SDAM events
- Backlog
- related to
NODE-6045 Ensure that the first server heartbeat does not report that it is awaited
- Backlog
- split to
CDRIVER-4757 Publish TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent on topology close
- Backlog
CXX-2780 Publish TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent on topology close
- Backlog
JAVA-5229 Publish TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent on topology close
- Backlog
NODE-5723 Publish TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent on topology close
- Backlog
RUBY-3344 Publish TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent on topology close
- Backlog
PHPLIB-1300 Publish TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent on topology close
- Blocked
GODRIVER-3035 Publish TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent on topology close
- In Code Review
CSHARP-4830 Publish TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent on topology close
- Closed
MOTOR-1205 Publish TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent on topology close
- Closed
PYTHON-4021 Publish TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent on topology close
- Closed
RUST-1791 Publish TopologyDescriptionChangedEvent on topology close
- Closed