When sharding GridFS chunks collection it is necessary to set a custom value for the _id field. Using default ObjectId causes all writes to be routed to the first shard in the cluster.
- depends on
CXX-1130 Implement GridFS Spec
- Closed
CSHARP-1644 Support custom GridFS file id values
- Closed
CDRIVER-1306 Support GridFS custom file_id methods
- Closed
JAVA-2188 Allow applications to set the files_id when uploading a GridFS file
- Closed
NODE-928 Support Custom GridFS files._id
- Closed
PHPLIB-197 Support non-ObjectID identifiers for GridFS files
- Closed
RUBY-1111 Support custom GridFS file ids
- Closed
PYTHON-1097 Support GridFS custom file_id methods
- Closed
- related to
TOOLS-1591 mongofiles should support custom GridFS files._id
- Closed