There are several Atlas Search query operators that are not implemented with first class support in the Java driver. For example, the `phrase` operator. Ideally it could work like this:
Bson search_stage = search( SearchOperator.compound() .filter(Arrays.asList(SearchOperator.text(fieldPath("genres"), "Drama"))) .must(Arrays.asList(SearchOperator.phrase(fieldPath("cast"), "keanu reeves"))) );
Whereas right now, one must know the JSON structure of the operator syntax and use the `.of()` escape hatch like this:
Bson search_stage = search( SearchOperator.compound() .filter(Arrays.asList(SearchOperator.text(fieldPath("genres"), "Drama"))) .must(Arrays.asList(SearchOperator.of(new Document("phrase", new Document("query", "keanu reeves").append("path", fieldPath("cast")))))) );
- is depended on by
JAVA-5299 Drivers Support for indexing and querying on UUID and null datatype
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