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  1. Node.js Driver
  2. NODE-5684

Add CSOT support to cursors

    • Type: Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Priority: Icon: Unknown Unknown
    • 6.11.0
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • 5
    • 3
    • Not Needed
    • None
    • Not Needed
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None

      Use Case

      As a... Driver Engineer
      I want... to implement the CSOT specification for cursors
      So that... we can be spec compliant

      User Impact

      • N/A, new behaviour



      • questions that need to be answered to determine implementation

      Acceptance Criteria

      Implementation Requirements

      • Update the following cursor-creating commands to support timeoutMode
        • Collection.find
        • Collection.findOne
        • Collection.watch
        • Collection.listIndexes
        • Db.aggregate
        • Db.watch
        • Db.listCollections
      • Update the following classes
        • AbstractCursor
          •  add timeoutMode field
          • check timeoutMode in constructor and throw if it has been set but timeoutMS has not
          • update AbstractCursor.next to take timeoutContext into account based on the configured timeoutMode
          • update AbstractCursor.close to refresh timeout for killCursors command.
          • update AbstractCursor.close to take a timeoutMS option that overrides the previously configured timeoutMS
        • FindCursor
          • Update to set timeoutMode to CURSOR_LIFETIME by default (depending on whether or not the cursor is tailable)
        • ListIndexesCursor
          • Update to set timeoutMode to CURSOR_LIFETIME by default
        • AggregationCursor
          • Update to set timeoutMode to CURSOR_LIFETIME by default
        • ChangeStreamCursor
          • Update to set timeoutMode to CURSOR_LIFETIME. Throw if attempt is made to set timeoutMode to ITERATION
        • ListCollectionsCursor
          • Update to set timeoutMode to CURSOR_LIFETIME by default
        • RunCommandCursor
          • Update to set timeoutMode based on whether or not cursor is tailable

      Testing Requirements

      Unit tests

      • ChangeStreamCursor
        • Given that timeoutMS is defined, should have timeoutMode of ITERATION
      • FindCursor, ListIndexesCursor, ListCollectionsCursor/AggregationCursor/RunCommandCursor constructors
        • Given tailable: false, timeoutMode should default to CURSOR_LIFETIME
        • Given tailable: true, timeoutMode should default to ITERATION
      • AggregationCursor constructor
        • given timeoutMode of ITERATION and has a $out or $merge stage, should throw a MongoAPIError
      • AggregationCursor.addStage
        • given that timeoutMode: ITERATION , when $out or $merge stage is added, throws a MongoAPIError

      Integration tests

      Non-Tailable Cursors - CURSOR_LIFETIME mode

      • Given a non-tailable cursor in CURSOR_LIFETIME mode, when executing next calls, DO NOT append a maxTimeMS field to getMore commands being sent to the server
      • Given a non-tailable cursor in CURSOR_LIFETIME mode, when making a next call, if there are documents remaining from a previously retrieved batch, the next method MUST return them even if the timeout has expired.
      • Given a non-tailable cursor in CURSOR_LIFETIME mode, when making a next call, iff a getMore is required and the timeout has expired, throw a MongoOperationTimeoutError

      Non-Tailable Cursors - ITERATION mode

      • Given a non-tailable cursor in ITERATION mode, when executing an aggregate with a $out or $merge stage, throw a MongoInvalidArgumentError
      • Given a non-tailable cursor in ITERATION mode, when executing any valid operation, the configured timeoutMS MUST apply to the initial operation execution. The timeout MUST be refreshed for any getMores
      • Given a non-tailable cursor in ITERATION mode, when execution any valid operation, DO NOT append a maxTimeMS field to original command or subsequent getMores


      Tailable non-awaitData cursors

      • Given a tailable non-awaitData Cursor, timeoutMS must be applied separately to the original operation and all subsequent next calls
      • Given a tailable non-awaitData cursor, maxTimeMS MUST NOT be applied to any commands


      Tailable awaitData cursors

      • Given a tailable awaitData Cursor, timeoutMS must be applied separately to the original operation and all subsequent next calls
      • Given a tailable awaitData Cursor, timeoutMS must not be used to derive a maxTimeMS value for getMore commands
      • Given a tailable awaitData Cursor, if timeoutMS is set to a non-zero value and maxAwaitTimeMS is set and greater than or equal to timeoutMS, throw an error
      • Given a tailable awaitData Cursor, if maxAwaitTimeMS is set, this value MUST be used as the maxTimeMS field on getMore commands

      Documentation Requirements

      • Punting to NODE-5688
        • In particular, note that CURSOR_LIFETIME mode must be limited to short-lived cursors due to potential to hang for entirety of timeoutMS

      Follow Up Requirements

      • May need to file perf follow-ups depending on the results obtained when comparing performance of tests with CSOT enabled versus previously existing benchmarks.

            warren.james@mongodb.com Warren James
            bailey.pearson@mongodb.com Bailey Pearson
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            2 Start watching this issue
