New Feature
Resolution: Done
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: 1.0.0-beta2
Component/s: None
Currently we can go from BSON->JSON value, and PHP->BSON->JSON but not PHP->JSON.
It seems like its not a big deal, needing the intermedied BSON format, but it is bigger deal then I first realized as people want to simply json dump their objects for APIs for example.
echo json_encode($model);
When $model contains ObjectID, the ObjectID will be serialized as empty.
<?php class Person implements JsonSerializable { protected $id; protected $name; function __construct($name) { $this->id = new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID(); $this->name = (string)$name; } function JsonSerialize() { $arr = array( "name" => $this->name, "id" => $this->id, ); return $arr; } } $p = new Person ("Jon Jonsson"); var_dump(json_encode($p));
string(30) "{"name":"Jon Jonsson","id":{}}"
This could have been worked around by allowing BSON\fromPHP() serialization of BSON\Type objects since they always result in a fully qualified json object, e.g.:
{ "$oid" : "56213654bd21b96c3e4e31c1" }
So the jsonSerialize() function would become:
function JsonSerialize() { $arr = array( "name" => $this->name, "id" => $this->id, ); $bson = MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP($this->id); $json = MongoDB\BSON\toJSON($bson); $arr["id"] = $json; return $arr; }
and would result in:
{"name":"Jon Jonsson","id":{ "$oid" : "56213746bd21b9718b1d7371" } }
- is depended on by
PHPLIB-185 BSONDocument and BSONArray should implement JsonSerializable
- Closed
- is related to
CDRIVER-1335 libbson does not properly serialize the Code type to JSON
- Closed
PHPC-49 Create PHP interface for BSON serialization
- Closed
PHPC-410 BSON\fromPHP() handling of non-stdClass objects and unsupported BSON\Type instances
- Closed
- related to
PHPC-561 MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID should be encoded correctly by json_encode
- Closed
PHPC-718 Define extension dependencies
- Closed
PHPC-828 Use canonical extended JSON for Timestamp::jsonSerialize()
- Closed
- links to