New Feature
Resolution: Done
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: 1.0.0-beta2
Component/s: None
Note that the timestamp bytes differ:
>>> $o = new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId => <MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID #000000002a26d11f00007f67ae06a97f> {} >>> $s = serialize($o) => "O:21:\"MongoDB\\BSON\\ObjectID\":0:{}" >>> unserialize($s) => <MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID #000000002a26d11500007f67ae06a97f> {}
- duplicates
PHPC-719 Error in var_export for BSON objects ( value is missing after export )
- Closed
- is depended on by
PHPC-736 Remove zend_str_tolower_dup() in ObjectID construction
- Closed
PHPC-769 Javascript serialization, export, and dump should always include scope field
- Closed
PHPC-770 BSON classes should implement PHP's Serializable interface
- Closed
PHPC-779 Switch serialization from O type to C type
- Closed
PHPC-726 Allow cross-platform serialization of Timestamp and UTCDateTime
- Closed
- is related to
PHPC-310 Classes should be final unless inheritance is necessary
- Closed
- related to
PHPC-894 BSON get_properties handlers leak during gc_possible_root() checks
- Closed
PHPC-939 BSON classes should not assign public properties after var_dump()
- Closed
PHPC-1598 Objects with get_properties handlers should have get_gc delegate to zend_std_get_properties
- Closed
PHPC-729 Implement __toString() method for Javascript and Binary
- Closed
PHPC-730 Implement getCode() and getScope() for Javascript
- Closed
PHPC-640 Implement interfaces for userland BSON type classes
- Closed
PHPC-731 Parse Timestamp argument as strings to accept large integers
- Closed
PHPC-744 Improve error messages for invalid Decimal128 and ObjectID strings
- Closed
PHPC-850 Add var_export() support for ReadConcern, ReadPreference, and WriteConcern
- Closed
PHPC-1023 Driver classes do not report properties for var_export()
- Closed
PHPC-739 Rename "javascript" to "code" in Javascript BSON class
- Closed
- links to