Resolution: Done
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: 3.0.5
Component/s: Concurrency, WiredTiger
Fully Compatible
QuInt 8 08/28/15
- single collection, 100k documents (fits in memory)
- 12 cpus (6 cores)
- workload is n connections each querying a random single document in a loop by _id
- measured raw flat-out maximum capacity by using 150 connections each doing queries as fast as possible; similar numbers for WT (174k queries/s) and mmapv1 (204k queries/s)
- then measured simulated customer app by introducing delay in loop so that each connection executes 10 queries/s, and then ramped number of connections up to 10k, for an expected throughput of 10 queries/connection/s * 10k connections = 100k queries/s. This is well below (about half) the measured maximum raw capacity for both WT and mmapv1, so expect to be able to achieve close to 100k queries/s at 10k connections
- do achieve close to that for mmapv1 (75k queries/s), but only get about 25k queries/s for WT at 10k connections, and behavior is erratic
- max raw capacity is 204k queries/s (as described above, this is with 150 connections each issuing queries as fast as possible)
- as connections are rampled up to 10k connections, this time with each connection issuing only 10 queries/s, throughput behavior is excellent up to about 6k connections, some mild falloff above that
- at 10k connections getting about 75k queries/s (estimated by fitting the blue quadratic trendline), not too far below the expected 100k queries/s
- max raw capacity is similar to mmapv1 at 174k queries/s (as described above, this is with 150 connections each issuing queries as fast as possible)
- but as connections are rampled up to 10k connections, this time each connection issuing only 10 queries/s, above about 3k connections behavior becomes erratic
- at 10k connections getting only about 25k queries/s (estimated by fitting the blue quadratic trendline), far below the expected 100k queries/s
Repro code:
function repro_setup() { x = [] for (var i=0; i<100; i++) x.push(i) count = 100000 every = 10000 for (var i=0; i<count; ) { var bulk = db.c.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (var j=0; j<every; j++, i++) bulk.insert({}) bulk.execute(); print(i) } } function conns() { return db.serverStatus().connections.current } function repro(threads_query) { start_conns = conns() while (conns() < start_conns+threads_query) { ops_query = [{ op: "query", ns: "test.c", query: {_id: {"#RAND_INT": [0, 10000]}}, delay: NumberInt(100 + Math.random()*10-5) }] res = benchStart({ ops: ops_query, seconds: seconds, parallel: 10, }) sleep(100) } }
- is related to
SERVER-20167 Avoid spinlock in TimerStats
- Closed