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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-22823

authCommands.js failure - shard filtered and unfiltered doc count mismatch after migration

    • Type: Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Priority: Icon: Major - P3 Major - P3
    • 3.0.13, 3.2.13, 3.3.3
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Sharding
    • Fully Compatible
    • v3.2
    • Sharding 10 (02/19/16), Sharding 11 (03/11/16)
    • 0

      Test failure just due to timing issues, the range deleter was still running but just hadn't quite finished by the time the test errored out.

      sharding_WT failed on linux-64-debug

      authCommands.js - Logs | History

      BF Ticket Generated by renctan

      2016-02-04T16:01:33.482+0000 Waiting for migration cleanup to occur...
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.633+0000 d20760| 2016-02-04T16:01:33.538+0000 I COMMAND  [conn10] command local.oplog.rs command: getMore { getMore: 17347377553, collection: "oplog.rs", maxTimeMS: 5000, term: 1, lastKnownCommittedOpTime: { ts: Timestamp 1454601692000|4, t: 1 } } cursorid:17347377553 keyUpdates:0 writeConflicts:0 numYields:0 nreturned:1 reslen:493 locks:{ Global: { acquireCount: { r: 2 } }, Database: { acquireCount: { r: 1 } }, oplog: { acquireCount: { r: 1 } } } protocol:op_command 166ms
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.856+0000 assert.soon failed: function (){
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.857+0000     print( "Waiting for migration cleanup to occur..." )
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.857+0000     return testDB.foo.find().itcount() == testDB.foo.count();
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.857+0000 }
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.857+0000 doassert@src/mongo/shell/assert.js:15:14
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.857+0000 assert.soon@src/mongo/shell/assert.js:176:13
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.858+0000 doTest@jstests/sharding/authCommands.js:84:1
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.858+0000 @jstests/sharding/authCommands.js:299:1
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.858+0000 2016-02-04T16:01:33.856+0000 E QUERY    [thread1] Error: assert.soon failed: function (){
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.859+0000     print( "Waiting for migration cleanup to occur..." )
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.859+0000     return testDB.foo.find().itcount() == testDB.foo.count();
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.859+0000 } :
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.859+0000 doassert@src/mongo/shell/assert.js:15:14
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.859+0000 assert.soon@src/mongo/shell/assert.js:176:13
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.859+0000 doTest@jstests/sharding/authCommands.js:84:1
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.860+0000 @jstests/sharding/authCommands.js:299:1
      2016-02-04T16:01:33.860+0000 failed to load: jstests/sharding/authCommands.js

        1. authCommands.log
          823 kB
          Randolph Tan

            spencer@mongodb.com Spencer Brody (Inactive)
            randolph@mongodb.com Randolph Tan
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
