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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-42169

assert_util.h needs documentation

    • Server Programmability
    • Dev Tools 2019-09-09, Dev Tools 2019-09-09, Dev Tools 2019-09-23, Dev Tools 2019-11-04

      The wiki describes how to choose among our asserts. Engineers chronically choose the wrong assertion style. The header itself has no documentation.
      We could provide a link to that wiki page at a minimum and maybe that would help.


      One problem with this is that the wiki is not accessible outside the company.


      The much better and more complete solution is to write inline header docs in assert_util.h (and invariant.h), where the implementation can perhaps answer questions that the documentation may not address or may leave ambiguous. The inline docs will appear in IDE hovertext and be source-controlled and versionable.


      We should also now be linking to the docs/exception_architecture.md document, which has a little more about the behavior of the different [[:alpha:]]assert facilities.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            billy.donahue@mongodb.com Billy Donahue
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