When setting up mongod.exe to run as a service on Windows by specifying the --install command line switch, the --dbpath and --logpath options are correctly quoted when reinserted into the command line that gets set up to be run by the Windows Service Controller. --config, --pidfilepath and perhaps others need the same quoting treatment, otherwise paths and filenames that contain spaces will mess up the parsing of the command line, leading to mongod services that don't start or don't start correctly.
User's command line:
mongod --install --dbpath "C:\My mongo folder" --pidfilepath "C:\My mongo folder\pidfile"
Resulting command line:
"C:\My mongo folder\mongod.exe" --dbpath "C:\My mongo folder" --pidfilepath C:\My mongo folder\pidfile --service
Without quotes (reinserted) around C:\My mongo folder\pidfile , this is not going to work.
- is duplicated by
SERVER-6453 Errno:22 problem opening logfile using a config file
- Closed
SERVER-3915 Installing mongod as a windows service fails if paths have spaces in them
- Closed
SERVER-5275 When installing MongoDB as a Windows service, the --config argument is not quoted correctly if there are spaces in the path name
- Closed