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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-47401

Rollback cannot complete while setting FCV in 3.6

    • Type: Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Works as Designed
    • Priority: Icon: Critical - P2 Critical - P2
    • None
    • Affects Version/s: 3.6.17
    • Component/s: Replication
    • None
    • ALL
    • Hide

      Reproducer script test.sh included in attachments.

      Reproducer script test.sh included in attachments.
    • Repl 2020-04-20

      1. Primary losses connectivity with replica set
      2. setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.6" is run on primary
      3. setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.6" is run on remainder of replica set
      4. Old primary will rollback, remove the UUID on admin.system.versions
      5. Old primary will fetch FCV = 3.6 from the remaining members.
      6. Rollback loop continues forever
      Unable to find source-code formatter for language: text. Available languages are: actionscript, ada, applescript, bash, c, c#, c++, cpp, css, erlang, go, groovy, haskell, html, java, javascript, js, json, lua, none, nyan, objc, perl, php, python, r, rainbow, ruby, scala, sh, sql, swift, visualbasic, xml, yaml
      2020-04-07T16:28:11.279-0500 I REPL     [rsBackgroundSync] Starting rollback due to OplogStartMissing: Our last op time fetched: { ts: Timestamp(1586294837, 2896), t: 2 }. source's GTE: { t
      s: Timestamp(1586294864, 1), t: 3 } hashes: (-5373381131897261603/8604888661770171088)
      2020-04-07T16:28:11.279-0500 I REPL     [rsBackgroundSync] Replication commit point: { ts: Timestamp(0, 0), t: -1 }
      2020-04-07T16:28:11.279-0500 I REPL     [rsBackgroundSync] Rollback using the 'rollbackViaRefetchNoUUID' method because UUID support is not feature compatible with featureCompatibilityVersi
      on 3.4
      2020-04-07T16:28:11.279-0500 I REPL     [rsBackgroundSync] transition to ROLLBACK from SECONDARY
      2020-04-07T16:28:11.279-0500 I NETWORK  [rsBackgroundSync] Skip closing connection for connection # 9
      2020-04-07T16:28:11.279-0500 I NETWORK  [rsBackgroundSync] Skip closing connection for connection # 8
      2020-04-07T16:28:11.279-0500 I ROLLBACK [rsBackgroundSync] Starting rollback. Sync source: localhost:27019
      2020-04-07T16:28:11.282-0500 I ASIO     [NetworkInterfaceASIO-RS-0] Successfully connected to localhost:27019, took 3ms (2 connections now open to localhost:27019)
      2020-04-07T16:28:11.283-0500 I ROLLBACK [rsBackgroundSync] Finding the Common Point
      2020-04-07T16:28:11.286-0500 I ROLLBACK [rsBackgroundSync] our last optime:   Timestamp(1586294837, 2896)
      2020-04-07T16:28:11.286-0500 I ROLLBACK [rsBackgroundSync] their last optime: Timestamp(1586294878, 101)
      2020-04-07T16:28:11.286-0500 I ROLLBACK [rsBackgroundSync] diff in end of log times: -41 seconds
      2020-04-07T16:28:11.392-0500 I ROLLBACK [rsBackgroundSync] Rollback common point is { ts: Timestamp(1586294827, 2326), t: 2 }
      2020-04-07T16:28:11.392-0500 I ROLLBACK [rsBackgroundSync] Starting refetching documents
      2020-04-07T16:28:14.834-0500 I ROLLBACK [rsBackgroundSync] Finished refetching documents. Total size of documents refetched: 2
      2020-04-07T16:28:14.834-0500 I ROLLBACK [rsBackgroundSync] Checking the RollbackID and updating the MinValid if necessary
      2020-04-07T16:28:14.834-0500 I ROLLBACK [rsBackgroundSync] Setting minvalid to { ts: Timestamp(1586294894, 1), t: 3 }
      2020-04-07T16:28:14.835-0500 I ROLLBACK [rsBackgroundSync] Dropping collections to roll back create operations
      2020-04-07T16:28:14.835-0500 I ROLLBACK [rsBackgroundSync] Deleting and updating documents to roll back insert, update and remove operations
      2020-04-07T16:28:14.837-0500 I ROLLBACK [rsBackgroundSync] Exception in rollback ns:admin.system.version { _id: "featureCompatibilityVersion" } IllegalOperation: Tried to complete upgrade, but admin.system.version did not have a UUID. ndeletes:0

        1. logs.tar.b2
          15 kB
          Kevin Arhelger
        2. test.sh
          2 kB
          Kevin Arhelger

            tess.avitabile@mongodb.com Tess Avitabile (Inactive)
            kevin.arhelger@mongodb.com Kevin Arhelger
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
