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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-48276

ReplSet Free Monitoring URLs inconsistent

    • Fully Compatible
    • ALL
    • v4.4, v4.2, v4.0
    • Hide
      • Start a replica set with above mentioned version
      • enable free monitoring on the primary
      • connect to secondaries - should have different URLs
      • URL should each show an individual output rather than the output of all members
      • Restart replica set
      • URL of primary shows all expected members
      • Secondaries also show expected URL (of primary)
      Start a replica set with above mentioned version enable free monitoring on the primary connect to secondaries - should have different URLs URL should each show an individual output rather than the output of all members Restart replica set URL of primary shows all expected members Secondaries also show expected URL (of primary)
    • Security 2020-06-01

      Tested versions this is happening on: 4.0.18, 4.4.0-rc5, 4.4.0-rc6 (and some 4.2)
      After creating a new replica set (5 nodes) and enabling free monitoring by running
      db.enableFreeMonitoring() on the primary, a new URL for the free-monitoring service is created. The URL displays the stats for the primary node only (see attached screenshot). All secondaries show a different URL when connecting to them on the shell.


      • The URL of the primary should have replicated to the secondaries so that they all point to the same URL.
      • The visual free monitoring view should have displayed all 5 nodes (stats) of the entire replica set

      Note that:

      • After restarting the replica set (with free monitoring enabled) the primary URL is propagated to all secondaries and the view is correct
      • Tested on 4.0.0 and works as expected (primary URL is propagated to secondaries)


      • outputs from the shell for initial URLs of primary and a secondary and after restarting
      • Screenshot of visual output after enabling free monitoring (primary)
      • Screenshot of visual output after restarting the replica set (expected output)

        1. PrimaryAfterEnablingFreeMonitoring.png
          439 kB
          Isabel Peters
        2. Ouputs
          8 kB
          Isabel Peters
        3. AllMembersAfterRestarting.png
          274 kB
          Isabel Peters

            mark.benvenuto@mongodb.com Mark Benvenuto
            isabel.peters@mongodb.com Isabel Peters
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
