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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-66847

txn_single_write_shard_failover.js should wait for primary re-election before retrying commitTransaction

    • Cluster Scalability
    • Fully Compatible
    • ALL
    • Cluster Scalability 2024-6-10, Cluster Scalability 06/24/24
    • 4
    • 3

      This test runs a single-write-shard transaction which commits, but for which the client retries commit and a read-only shard fails over before the second commit attempt.
      The issue here is the readOnly shard has 2 replicas, the test steps down the primary and doesn't ensure that a primary is re-elected before reattempting a second commit. This specific scenario where the Replica Set hasn't elected a primary yet throws a 'Could find host matching Primary state'.
      Suggested fix: Ensure a primary re-election occurs before re-attempting the re-commit. And ensure that secondary is elected as primary now.



      jsTest.log("Induce a failover on the read shard.");
      assert.commandWorked(st.rs0.getPrimary().adminCommand({replSetStepDown: 60, force: true}));
      jsTest.log("Make second attempt to commit, should still return that the transaction committed");


            grant.xiao@mongodb.com Grant Xiao (Inactive)
            rachita.dhawan@mongodb.com Rachita Dhawan
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
