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  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-86294

Create new feature flag for tracking collections upon move and rename old feature flag

    • Catalog and Routing
    • Fully Compatible
    • CAR Team 2024-03-18
    • 167

      The current plan for PM-3364 is to lazily track unsharded collections in order to move them using moveCollection for 8.0, then, in a post-8.0 world, we would fully track all unsharded collections.

      This means that the work we have already done to track collections upon creation will need to be behind a different feature flag than the 8.0 work to track upon moveCollection. This ticket is to create the new feature flag and to rename the old one to specify that collections are tracked upon move. A separate ticket will go through the code and move what is 8.0 required to be gated by the new feature flag rather than the old one.

            silvia.surroca@mongodb.com Silvia Surroca
            marcos.grillo@mongodb.com Marcos José Grillo Ramirez
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
