The changes from b1b6cf0 as part of SERVER-98484 made it so the compile_all_but_not_unittests Evergreen task runs with --debug-symbols=off. This prevents the local build artifacts from being reused because earlier tasks in the task group ran with --debug-symbols=on. This issue causes compile_all_but_not_unittests on Windows to often the rate-limiting step for patch build completion times, even after moving the machines to NVMe instances (SERVER-98922).
One proposed idea is to compile with debug symbols enabled on Windows and have the linker strip them out. Another proposed idea would be to compile with debug symbols enabled on Windows and restructure the Evergreen project configuration to run the current configuration on other build variants. (The changes in SERVER-98484 were originally made to address out of disk space errors on other build variants.)
- is related to
SERVER-98484 Switch debug symbols off in compile-all-but-unit-test nightly tasks
- Closed
SERVER-98922 Investigate running portions of Windows compile in Evergreen on NVMe hosts
- Closed
SERVER-99661 Sync compile_all_but_not_unittests cache with other tasks
- Closed
- related to
SERVER-99774 Swap to using --output_groups=compilation_outputs to skip linking
- Closed