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  1. MongoDB Database Tools
  2. TOOLS-1782

Mask password from being displayed in process list

      When using any of the mongo command line tools, passing -p secretPassword123 is clearly displayed when viewing in process monitors such as "ps auxww" and "top".

      The "mongo" cli currently masks the password when it is passed using the -p / --password argument. It's probably easier to do this masking in c++, but hopefully you can do the same in Go using something like this ( https://github.com/ErikDubbelboer/gspt )

      If this is a reasonable request, I'd also like the password to be masked if it is passed as a --uri mongodb://user:secretPassword123@ connection string.

      Just replacing the entire password with xxx or an "x" for each character in the password would work for me.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            aqueen Aaron Queen
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