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  1. WiredTiger
  2. WT-12657

Add checkpoint cleanup utility thread

    • Storage Engines
    • 8
    • Nick - 2024-04-30
    • v8.0

      The checkpoint cleanup process can take time when the file is huge, and it can impact the overall progress of the checkpoint. Longer checkpoint operations can impact the overall performance of the database server.

      To reduce the overall impact on the database server, move the checkpoint cleanup operation into a separate utility thread by removing it from the checkpoint process. This can reduce the overall checkpoint duration and improve the overall performance of the database server.

      To reduce the impact of the checkpoint cleanup thread, it can only operate on the dhandles that are already opened and works similarly to how it used to work when it was part of the checkpoint.

            haribabu.kommi@mongodb.com Haribabu Kommi
            haribabu.kommi@mongodb.com Haribabu Kommi
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