We can extend the current event handler used for interrupting the compact operation, specifically handle_general, and adapt it to be more generic for interrupting user operations involved in cache eviction. WiredTiger will periodically execute the event handler during cache eviction, and interrupt if the callback yields a non-zero return code.
If a user operation was not involved in cache eviction at the time the session was interrupted, it will complete its execution and return its standard code. However, if the operation is performing cache eviction when an interrupt was called, the WiredTiger API will return the code from the user operation. WiredTiger will allow the API call to complete normally after interrupting eviction work.
- is depended on by
SERVER-98108 Interrupt user operations performing cache eviction during stepdown
- Closed
SERVER-98109 Interrupt user operations performing cache eviction during shutdown
- Closed
- related to
SERVER-99264 Add testing for the new WT event handler
- Closed