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  1. WiredTiger
  2. WT-9809

Fix/triage individual tiered hook failures

      In getting the tiered hook to run on the bulk of test/suite tests in WT-9741, there were a large number of tests that failed for miscellaneous reasons. As an expedient move, a set of these are marked as skipped in hook_tiered.py. See FIXME-WT-9809 in the code. This ticket is to remove that designation if possible, and either

      • resolve the underlying problem in this ticket
      • create a new ticket to track the problem (or set of problems)
      • skip the test, probably via an explicit call to skipTest in the test itself, rather than having the hook skip over it.

      The skipTest code would look something like:

         if 'tiered' in self.hook_names:
                 self.skipTest("blahblah is not supported with tiering for blahblah reason")


            backlog-server-storage-engines [DO NOT USE] Backlog - Storage Engines Team
            donald.anderson@mongodb.com Donald Anderson
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