Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
"invalid namespace" exception should report the namespacePHPC-354
Rename BSON\Binary's subType field and getSubType method to type and getTypePHPC-353
Support read preference and write concern in Manager options arrayPHPC-350
Implicit declaration of mongoc_uri_parse_host()PHPC-347
bson_to_zval() leaks when buffer contains no documentsPHPC-345
bson_to_zval() should throw exceptions instead of warningsPHPC-344
Allow non-root Serializable to encode as BSON arrayPHPC-343
Allow bsonSerialize() to return a stdClassPHPC-341
fromJSON() leaks when JSON contains array or object fieldsPHPC-336
BSON\Binary debug handlerPHPC-334
Injected __pclass should override a __pclass key in bsonSerialize() return valuePHPC-333
Implement MongoDB\BSON\Binary::getData()PHPC-331
Throw exceptions for BSON (de)serialization errorsPHPC-330
Always include __pclass property when decoding BSON to PHPPHPC-329
ODM class should always supersede the type mapPHPC-325
bson_to_zval() leaks when buffer contains multiple documentsPHPC-323
The check for system mongoc checks system bson, not mongocPHPC-322
Wrong bugtracker URL in configure outputPHPC-321
Rename UTCDatetime class to UTCDateTimePHPC-319
Top level documents should be deserialized as stdClass by defaultPHPC-317
Ensure "sort" Query option is serialized as BSON objectPHPC-315
Support explicit type mapping for top-level documentsPHPC-311
Rename BSON from/toArray() methods to from/toPHP()PHPC-309
Move BSON types to MongoDB\BSON namespacePHPC-308
Failed getmore should throw exceptionPHPC-306
Check for sasl_client_done when generating mongoc-config.hPHPC-305
Allow to build with system libmongocPHPC-304
Failed getmore halts for 30secondsPHPC-303
Cannot connect to healthy Replica Set if seedlist only contains a secondaryPHPC-301
var_dump()ing Manager should show debug infoPHPC-300
Missing debug info for Server objectPHPC-299
Annoying compiler warningPHPC-298
Coalesce small writesPHPC-296
phongo.debug created for empty valuesPHPC-279
Add 2.4 to build matrix and ensure test suite compatibilityPHPC-277
Ensure Query always serializes $query as a BSON objectPHPC-271
Server::executeBulkWrite() should take a write concernPHPC-229
Support options array in second parameter of Manager constructorPHPC-206
Weird error messages when connecting to non-mongodb nodePHPC-202
Do not expose users to libmongoc's cryptic connection timeout messagePHPC-196
Implement getWriteConcern() and getReadPreference() methods on ManagerPHPC-193
Bulk delete and updates result in one roundtrip per documentPHPC-187
getServer()->executeBulkWrite() uses wrong WriteConcernPHPC-75
Verify full test coverage of PHP classes
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