Build Failure
- [PHPC-2503] - Fix expected output for empty JSON objects and arrays
- [PHPC-2457] - Error when "modifiers" option is passed by reference
- [PHPC-2496] - WriteException stub should inherit ServerException
- [PHPC-2513] - BulkWrite::insert() should not append document if PHONGO_BSON_RETURN_ID fails
New Feature
- [PHPC-2518] - Support sort option for replaceOne and updateOne operations
- [PHPC-2343] - Require PHP 8.1
- [PHPC-2458] - Deprecate float arguments for UTCDateTime constructor
- [PHPC-2460] - Replace PHONGO_ZVAL_CLASS_OR_TYPE_NAME macro with zend_zval_type_name
- [PHPC-2464] - Emit deprecation notice for negative "limit" Query option
- [PHPC-2466] - Utilize @not-serializable attribute in stubs
- [PHPC-2470] - Replace usage of deprecated bson-atomic.h API
- [PHPC-2471] - Test encoding dates after year 9999 with Relaxed Extended JSON
- [PHPC-2472] - Upgrade libmongocrypt to 1.12.0
- [PHPC-2473] - Upgrade libmongoc to 1.29.0
- [PHPC-2475] - Replace usage of deprecated bson_as_json API
- [PHPC-2477] - Remove unused libmongoc and libbson constants
- [PHPC-2489] - Deprecate passing WriteConcern and ReadPreference objects directly to execute methods
- [PHPC-2499] - Upgrade libmongoc to 1.29.2
- [PHPC-2501] - Define MONGOC_CYRUS_PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX in config.w32
- [PHPC-2502] - Remove XFAIL in server-executeQuery-012.phpt
- [PHPC-2508] - Upgrade libmongoc to 1.30.0
- [PHPC-2515] - Build failure using libbson 1.30 with GCC 15
- [PHPC-2519] - Upgrade libmongoc to 1.30.1
- [PHPC-2498] - Accept integer types for Document array access
- [PHPC-2506] - Detect BSON_HAVE_ALIGNED_ALLOC in build process
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