- [MONGOSH-1258] - Investigate why FIPS smoke tests are not running in Docker with OpenSSL 3
- [MONGOSH-1058] - macOS builds are failing
- [MONGOSH-1249] - 'rs.status()' failed when replicaset is not initialized
- [MONGOSH-1281] - User is getting an error running a bulk command on new MongoShell
- [MONGOSH-1283] - Enterprise PowerPC and Z RPMs are missing from repos, causing server RPM to fail to install
- [MONGOSH-1287] - cursor.count() is deprecated in the driver
- [MONGOSH-1113] - Make platforms enum a list of string alternatives
- [MONGOSH-1245] - Re-enable KeyVault._init() after libmongocrypt bug is fixed
- [MONGOSH-1254] - Add a shell helper for sharded data distribution info api
- [MONGOSH-1266] - Make KeyVault.getKey() and .getKeyByAltName() return Documents
- [MONGOSH-1295] - Bump mongodb-client-encryption to v2.2.1
- [MONGOSH-1299] - Bump driver version to 4.10.0
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