New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: libmongoc
Conform to the Driver Session Spec. Start and end a client-side session, and gossip the clusterTime.
- Done in 1.8: Bundle all the data needed to run a command into a mongoc_cmd_parts_t struct and pass that around instead of adding a "session" parameter everywhere
- Done: Implement the second part of the spec's test plan: prove that a database or collection stores a pointer to the session it came from
- Done: Write a live test that any command sent to a 3.6 mongos includes $clusterTime
- Done: Implement mongoc_session_opts_clone().
- Done: Ensure that executing an empty command "{}" is still an error. Check in mongoc_cmd_parts_assemble / mongoc_cmd_parts_assemble_simple that the command name is non-NULL, before adding "$clusterTime". Update their signatures to take an error pointer and return bool. Save the command name on the mongoc_cmd_t.
- Done: Append $clusterTime to commands in mongoc-cursor.c.
- Done: Parse $clusterTime from all command replies
- Done: Send and receive $clusterTime in topology scanner
- Done: Complete clusterTime tests from Driver Sessions Spec
- Done: Add a "session" field to mongoc_cmd_t and ensure all commands on a mongoc_session_t, mongoc_database_t, or mongoc_collection_t set it correctly.
- Done: For most of the non-deprecated functions on a mongoc_client_t, add functions for mongoc_session_t. E.g., mongoc_session_drop_database, mongoc_session_read_write_command_with_opts, get read preference, read concern, write concern.
- Done: Generate session ids and pass them with all commands.
- Cancelled: mongoc_session_get_database_names and mongoc_session_find_databases.
- Done: Get localLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes from ismaster response.
- Done: Delete code that adds "lsid" to OP_QUERY commands in mongoc_cmd_assemble and _mongoc_write_opquery; all commands sent to servers that support sessions will use OP_MSG (may depend on
CDRIVER-2306) - Moved to
CDRIVER-2355: Refactor mongoc_cmd_parts_assemble, $readPreference handling is particularly duplicative.
Respond to spec changes. The spec had said that we associate db / collection / gridfs objects with sessions, but now we're going to keep sessions separate, and pass a session as a parameter to each non-deprecated function that can use a session. Luckily, I think our "with_opts" functions will handle this without requiring a large number of new functions.
The spec had made retryWrites a session option, now it's a client option.
We had chosen not to implement session pooling, but pooling is practically a requirement now, because every command must be associated with some session (whether the user passes a session or not).
Required changes:
- Done: Temporarily disable compilation of example-session.c
- Done: Remove the functions that create a database, collection or gridfs struct that is associated with a session. We're not associating these structs with sessions anymore. Keep the session field in bulk operation and cursor structs, however.
- Done: Remove the session field from the db / collection / gridfs structs.
- Done: Remove read concern, write concern, and read preferences from session.
- Done: Remove documentation of the relationship among db / collection / gridfs and sessions.
- Done: Remove retryWrites from mongoc_session_opts_t
- Done: Remove mongoc_session_read_command_with_opts and similar functions - we're not executing commands on a session anymore, we pass the session to the command function
- Done: Rename mongoc_session_t to mongoc_client_session_t
- Done: Replace term "causally consistent reads" with "causal consistency".
- Done: Add mongoc_client_session_append, analogous to mongoc_write_concern_append: it will add an "lsid" to a bson_t "opts"
- In
CDRIVER-2331: Test that all "with_opts" functions properly handle the "lsid" field. - In
CDRIVER-2331: Add "with_opts" functions as necessary to support sessions everywhere:CDRIVER-2331 - Done: Update example-session.c to not show retryable writes, only causally consistent reads, and to use new API. Re-enable compilation and re-enable the literalinclude in mongoc_session_t.rst
- Done: Implement a server session pool, and move txn_num field from mongoc_client_session_t to a new internal struct mongoc_server_session_t. Use logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes to determine whether sessions are supported in the topology, and return an error from mongoc_client_start_session otherwise. _mongoc_topology_pop_server_session must trigger topology discovery if there are no known servers, so it can detect whether the topology supports sessions (logical_session_timeout_minutes is not -1).
- Done: Call endSessions when destroying a client or client pool.
- Done: Update sessions API for recent changes: set the clusterTime on a mongoc_client_session_t (operationTime will be handled in
CDRIVER-2229) - Done: Implement compute the $clusterTime to send to a server from the spec
- Done: Include "lsid" with all commands, even if no explicit session is passed. Add a section to run_session_test() that executes the command with no "sessionId" and ensure all commands include the same lsid anyway. Make sure not to send lsid with "endSessions".
- Done: Use random numbers, instead of consecutive ones, for sessionIds. This ensures that a session from the wrong client really is prohibited.
- Done: Update server session's last_used.
- causes
CDRIVER-2576 segmentation fault occurred at _mongoc_cluster_run_ismaster()
- Closed
CDRIVER-2449 Session ID is included in authenticate command
- Closed
- depends on
CDRIVER-2331 New "with_opts" functions to accept sessionId
- Closed
- is depended on by
CDRIVER-2228 All writes retryable support
- Closed
CDRIVER-2229 Causal consistency support
- Closed
DRIVERS-395 Implement Drivers Sessions API
- Closed
PHPC-980 Implement Drivers Sessions API
- Closed
- is related to
CDRIVER-2355 Refactor mongoc_cmd_parts_assemble
- Closed
- related to
CDRIVER-2341 Segfault destroying client if one of its sessions is not destroyed first
- Closed