Uploaded image for project: 'Core Server'
  1. Core Server
  2. SERVER-69445

Implement the CollectionSnapshot(s) infrastructure to back CollectionPtr

    • Sharding EMEA
    • Fully Compatible
    • Sharding EMEA 2022-09-19, Sharding EMEA 2022-10-03, Sharding EMEA 2022-10-17, Sharding EMEA 2022-10-31, Sharding EMEA 2022-11-14, Sharding EMEA 2022-11-28, Sharding EMEA 2023-01-09, Sharding EMEA 2023-01-23

      With the Sharding-First Catalog work, the CollectionPtr becomes the single object representing the snapshot state of a given collection, against which upper layers of the core server (e.g., Query) will program.

      This ticket is about implementing that infrastructure along with the relevant functions for its maintenance.

      Once this ticket is completed, we will have a single library and entry-point for obtaining collection snapshots and that entry-point will become the input for construction of {{CollectionPtr}}s.

            jordi.serra-torrens@mongodb.com Jordi Serra Torrens
            kaloian.manassiev@mongodb.com Kaloian Manassiev
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            4 Start watching this issue
