Resolution: Unresolved
Major - P3
Affects Version/s: None
Component/s: None
StorEng - Refinement Pipeline
We could improve the code style of the cpp suite. This ticket lists some of the ideas we have so far:
- Align coding style with MongoDB server and the S3 extension
- MongoDB Server Coding Style
- Check the case, see this section.
WT-9385 - Review the way we include headers, see this section.
WT-9383 - Remove forward declaration, see this section.
WT-9383 - Check early exits, see this section.
- Make sure to include units where it is necessary, see this section. WT-9387
- Check the case, see this section.
- Google C++ Style Guide
- MongoDB Server Coding Style
- Instead of having the framework to generate the values when one performs inserts/updates, we should let the users provide the values -
WT-9314 - Use smart pointers and RAII wherever possible
- See this section for coding style.
- Make sure each class definition is in its own file.
WT-9383 - Rename functions/variables (such as save_operation) where it makes sense. WT-9387
- The collections defined in each test only support strings for their keys and values, allow them to handle all types supported by WiredTiger
- This could be done in a similar fashion as we did for the tracking table (
WT-9091): pass a cursor with the key/value pair already set to the internal CRUD operations defined in the thread_context class.
- This could be done in a similar fashion as we did for the tracking table (
- Identify and remove cases of code duplication, boilerplate.
- The thread context class is a good start where we do the same thing for each operation
- Simplify the interface of set_tracking_cursor. Preferably just pass in a single argument such as a thread_context.
WT-9388 - Functions like update_operation don't capture the entire lifetime of transactions, instead the contain logic at the start of the function that will optionally start a txn if we're not already in one. Could this be changed to start/stop transactions at the start of each function, or have the transaction reliably started/stopped in the parent function so that we always know when a txn starts and stops?
- Use Doxygen on the cpp suite
- Review string handling in cppsuite. For example thread_context::pad_string could use stringstreams in place of manual string construction.
- It does not make sense to haveĀ key_size or value_size equal to 0, set the minimum value to 1 in test_data.py - might be fixed as part of
WT-9094 - The function can_rollback() does not seem to be implemented correctly and might be removed. To roll back, we should only check if there is an active transaction.
- In
WT-9094, we created the function init_tracking in test.h in order to update everything that has a reference to the tracking component when this one is updated. A better way of doing this (e.g via constructors) should be investigated. - Clean up overloaded functions in the CppSuite - WT-9333
- Users modify config files in the test/ folder and then need to compile WT to propagate those changes to the build/ folder where they are used by cppsuite. This means users need to remember to compile for each config change. Creating a symlink instead of copying the file may work, but we need to check this is possible for both Unix and non-Unix platforms.
- Avoid using WT internal macros like WT_DECL_RET in the cppsuite test code. The test code should only touch the public API
- Does this affect any team outside of WT?
- Is this issue urgent?
Acceptance Criteria
Address all the ideas listed above.