- [MONGOSH-931] - Overriding global function defintions does not work in browser-repl
- [MONGOSH-937] - Incorrect name for deprecated function listed in help()
- [MONGOSH-945] - Autocomplete for `use` behaves unexpectedly in cases where a cluster has a single database
- [MONGOSH-952] - mongosh should ask for password if connection string contains username
- [MONGOSH-957] - mongosh does not provide a number using count() for large collection
- [MONGOSH-968] - Fix oplog size reporting by getReplicationInfo() and printReplicationInfo()
- [MONGOSH-971] - ShellResult is visible when interrupting with Ctrl+C
- [MONGOSH-972] - Behavior of materialized views does not match legacy shell
- [MONGOSH-974] - mongosh doesn't support single dash option and doens't give back any error
- [MONGOSH-979] - NumberLong() should use Long.fromNumber()
- [MONGOSH-981] - Compile mongosh binary does not work in MONGOSH_RUN_NODE_SCRIPT mode
- [MONGOSH-982] - sh.status() and similar methods have extra mongos check
- [MONGOSH-986] - \033 doesn't work with mongosh
- [MONGOSH-910] - Make db.setSecondaryOk()/mongo.setSecondaryOk()/rs.secondaryOk() deprecated aliases for setReadPref
- [MONGOSH-946] - Add functionality to mongosh to decode a resume token
- [MONGOSH-948] - Expand API documentation for core parts of mongosh
- [MONGOSH-951] - Retain single-line comments as block comments in multiline input
- [MONGOSH-965] - Remove parcelRequire from REPL globals
- [MONGOSH-976] - .watch() should either typecheck pipeline argument or allow omitting it
- [MONGOSH-983] - Clean up deprecation warning printing code
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