The current version of Compass displays dates and times in the UTC timezone (was timezone of the desktop where Compass is running) without indicating that it has been converted from the format it was originally stored in. Compass should indicate the timezone being used to display the date and time, preferably with an option to use the ISO format.
- ISO_8601
- The format: 2019-01-14T19:57:27+00:00, displays the current timezone precisely.
The current approach to timezone is confusing and arguably incorrect with respect to the application server that is storing and using the timestamp information.
- is related to
COMPASS-2647 Compass displays date time with configurable timezones
- Ready for Work
- related to
COMPASS-3372 Embedded dates are displayed using desktop timezone rather than UTC
- Closed
COMPASS-3443 Timezone shift when editing documents with date fields
- Closed
COMPASS-115 As a developer I want to show dates in server time and not local (laptop) time
- Closed