For example:
resmoke --suite=core --mongodSetParameters='{enableIndexBuildCommitQuorum: false}' --mongodSetParameters='{logComponentVerbosity: {command: 2'}}
Will override the first argument and only apply the second:
// [MongoDFixture:job0] {"t":{"$date":"2020-04-13T14:13:05.638-04:00"},"s":"I", "c":"CONTROL", "id":21951, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Options set by command line","attr":{"options":{"net":{"port":20000},"replication":{"enableMajorityReadConcern":true}, "setParameter":... "logComponentVerbosity":"{'command': 2}", ..., "storage":{"dbPath":"/data/db/job0/resmoke"}}}}
This causes problems in testing because the "majority read concern off" suite enables custom setParameters but runs suites like the rollback_fuzzer that enables its own setParameters.
The effect is that the builder's "mongodSetParameters" overrides those of the test suite.
Also revert the changes in SERVER-47510
- is related to
SERVER-49790 Disable index build commitQuorum on "ephemeralForTest" builder that overrides "mongodSetParameters" option.
- Closed
- related to
SERVER-50188 Have multiple resmoke setParameters cope with identical key/value pairs
- Closed
SERVER-61460 Resmoke should merge config_svr options with mongod_options rather than overriding them
- Closed